T'ikita Waraq Arawin

April 10th 2021
Archive of the future
Transdisciplinary research
Social studies
Wisdom Keepers

Since the beginning of time, the wak`as have been there

In Potosí there are many. They live on hills, rocks, rivers, trees, and other bodies. Souls and spirits live there, watching (us) to help us to live well, to follow the right path in this life.

These wak’as are very sacred and powerful, they give us strength from the depths of our hearts. These wak’as are very important, from the inside they guide us well (the mind). They make us meet ourselves and others too.

The wak’as are always open-mouthed, because through them, we arrive at Pachamama. Pachamama feeds us and brings us well-being in body and soul. With the blood of our flame we thank you, with your blood we ask that you take care of us and protect us.

We accompany you with q'ua and mysteries, through food we give you everything we want to ask for. If I want to travel very far and set out on my way, I have to buy mystery from a long and good road, so as not to get sick myself, I have to buy a mystery of luck.

Wak'as are very powerful, but they don't always do good. These wak’as also do a lot of damage, for the devil (the work of evil). They can even take your life, they are very powerful. Therefore, do not make fun of them, you have to think well of them.

In my region, we have a lot of wak’as; The King of Kings is called Cerro Rico de Potosí. The minor wak’as are Cerro Chico, Khari Khari, Pariorcko (the one that gives light) and the Devil's Gate.

An evocation by T'ikita Wara  
Potosí, April 2021

Unay unaymanta pacha yuyakusqaymanta, wak’akunaqa Manchay askha kanku, imayna sutisniuj kawsanku urqukunapi, rumikunapi, mayukunapi, jach’akunapi ima.

Maypichus ajayukuna kawsankuman. Ñuqanchista qhawaspa yanapaspa allin kawsayman rinanchispaq chiqanta purinanchispaq kay pachapi. 

Kay wak’a kunaqa kanku, Manchay upaychasqa sumajyachayniuj ukhunchismanta pacha kallpachasqa kananchispaq, kay kunaqa kanku allin kamachiqkuna sunqunchis ukhuman chayanankupaq allinta umarinanchispaq. 

Wak’asqa tinkuchiwanchis, ñuqanchiswan wajkunawan ima. 
Wak’asqa simichasqa chayniqta pachamaman chayananchiqpaq kanku. 

Pachamamaqa mikhuy kunata quwanchis, ukhunchispi ajayunchispi allin kawsaypi kananchiqpaq. 

Llamanchiqpaq llawarninwan pachirikunchiq, chay llawarninwan mañakunchiq allin qhawariypi kananchiqpaq. 

Mañakunchis q’uawan, misterioswan, imatachus munanchischayta. 

Karu karu puriy munanchis chayta? Misteriopi karu karu sumaj-ñan puriykanantian. Mana unquykananpaq, suerte misteriopi kanantian. 

Wak’asqa Manchay yachayniuj kanku,mana allin ruanallapaqchu…. Kay wak’asqa saqra… ruay ruallankutaq. 

Kawsaynikita qhichullasunkimanta, sumaj yachayniujpuni. Chayrayku, ma phujllakunallachu, ancha umanchasqa kaspa rina. 
Qay llajtapi, askha wak’as kanku. 

Qhapaq qhapaqmanta sutintaj P’utujsi Sumaj Urqu kasan. Sullk’as wak’astaj kanku juch’uy urqu p’utujsi, khari khari urqu, pariurqu, supay punku ima.

T'ikita Waraq Arawin