Pulem Lairembi Ima
This song is a homage to the goddess of the Pumlen Pat (pat meaning Lake), who does not show prejudice or discrimination towards the native population
This song is a homage to the goddess of the Pumlen Pat (pat meaning Lake), who does not show prejudice or discrimination towards the native population
In addition to praying to the Lairembi goddess for the happiness, prosperity, and wellbeing of the village, the singer expresses his affection for the place where he was raised.
Oinam Tomba (45), a generational indigenous fisher whose forefathers have survived from the benevolence of the lake, sings in praise of his primary provider; Pumlen Lairembi Ema.
A sacred site for the Khuman clan, Pumlen Pat, is the second largest lake in Manipur situated across the Imphal River. A total of 24 villages are directly dependent on the lake for fish, herbs, edible aquatic vegetables and farming. There are three islands inside the lake which are surrounded by phumdis and sacred water. Since time immemorial fishermen from around the lake have held deep reverence for Pumlen Lairembi and have lived in harmony with it. Fishermen have often talked about the existence of seven different colors of water inside the lake. Legend has it that, when a catch of fish is abundant in Loktak, the catch in Pumlen will be less so and vice-versa. Now things have changed due to the commissioning of the Ithai Barrage; which has led to inundation of water and destruction of natural and ecological characters.